PC World 2007 June
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333 lines
6001 Usage: CertMgr [options][-s [-r <location>][SourceStoreName]\n
6002 CertMgr Succeeded\n
6003 CertMgr Failed\n
6004 Options: \n
6005 add
6006 -add Add certificates/CRLs/CTLs to a storeFile or a system store\n
6007 del
6008 -del Delete certificates/CRLs/CTLs from a storeFile or \n
6009 s
6010 -s Indicate the store is a system store \n
6011 r
6012 -r <location> The system store location \n
6013 <%s|%s> Default to '%s' \n
6014 currentUser
6015 localMachine
6016 c
6017 -c Certificates in the store\n
6018 crl
6019 -crl Certificates revocation lists(CRLs) in the store\n
6020 ctl
6021 -ctl Certificates trust lists(CTLs) in the store\n
6022 v
6023 -v Verbose display of the certificates/CRLs/CTLs \n
6024 all
6025 -all All certificates/CRLs/CTLs in the store\n
6026 n
6027 -n <name> Common name of the certificate \n
6028 sha1
6029 -sha1 <thumbPrint> The sha1 hash of the certificate/CRLs/CTLs \n
6030 7
6031 -7 Save the destination store in PKCS# 7 format\n
6032 e
6033 -e <encode> Certificate/CRL/CTL encoding type. \n
6034 y
6035 -y <provider> CertStore provider name\n
6036 f
6037 -f <flag> CertStore open flags. Meaningful only if -y is set\n
6038 eku
6039 -eku <OID,OID> Comma separated enhanced key usage OIDs\n
6040 ~
6041 put
6042 -put Put an encoded certificate/CRL/CTL from a storeFile or\n
6043 a system store to a file. The file will be saved in X.509\n
6044 format. -7 can be used to save the file in PKCS#7 format\n
6050 /
6051 -
6052 Error: Too many parameters\n
6053 Error: -n and -sha1 can not be set at the same time\n
6054 Error: -all can not be set with -n or -sha1\n
6055 Error: Missing SourceStoreName\n
6056 Error: Invalid name for the store provider\n
6057 Error: Invalid value for -r option\n
6058 Error: Invalid value for -sha1 option\n
6059 Error: -s, -r, -n, -sha1, -7, <DestinationStoreName> can not be set for display\n
6060 Error: -7 and -CTL can not be set at the same time\n
6061 Error: You must specify -all, -c, -CTL, -CRL for add or delete\n
6062 Error: Has to specify DestinationStoreName\n
6063 Error: -7 is invalid for system destination store\n
6064 Error: Failed to open the source store\n
6065 Error: Failed to open a temporary store\n
6066 Error: Failed to add all certificates\n
6067 Error: Failed to add or delete certificates\n
6068 Error: Can not find a certificate matching the hash value\n
6069 Error: Failed to add certificates\n
6070 Error: Failed to delete certificates\n
6071 Error: Failed to build the certificate list\n
6072 Error: Failed to find a certificate to add\n
6073 Error: Failed to find a certificate to delete\n
6074 Error: Failed to add all CRLs\n
6075 Error: Failed to delete all CRLs\n
6076 Error: Can not find a CRL matching the hash value\n
6077 Error: Failed to add CRLs\n
6078 Error: Failed to delete CRLs\n
6079 Error: Failed to build the CRL list\n
6080 Error: Failed to add all CTLs\n
6081 Error: Failed to delete all CTLs\n
6082 Error: Can not find a CTL matching the hash value\n
6083 Error: Failed to add CTLs\n
6084 Error: Failed to delete CTLs\n
6085 Error: Failed to build the CTL list\n
6086 Error: Failed to access the source store\n
6087 Error: Failed to save to the destination store\n
6088 Error: Failed to open the destination store\n
6089 ==============Certificate # %d ==========\n
6090 Error: Display failed\n
6092 ==============CRL # %d ==========\n
6093 ==============CTL # %d ==========\n
6094 ==============No Certificates ==========\n
6095 ==============No CTLs ==========\n
6096 ==============No CRLs ==========\n
6097 Error: Only one option from -add, -del, -put can be used at a time\n
6098 Error: Failed to get the count of signers\n
6099 Error: Failed to get the signer's certificate\n
7000 <NULL>
7001 SHA1
7002 MD5
7004 Subject::\n
7005 Issuer::\n
7006 SerialNumber::\n
7007 Key
7008 Provider Type:: %d
7009 Provider Name:: %s
7010 Flags: 0x%x
7011 Container: %s
7012 Parameters::\n
7013 KeySpec: %d
7014 NotBefore:: \n %s\n
7015 NotAfter:: \n %s\n
7016 Version:: %d\n
7017 SignatureAlgorithm::
7018 SignatureAlgorithm.Parameters::\n
7019 SubjectPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm::
7020 SubjectPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm.Parameters::\n
7021 DSS Key Length:: %d bytes, %d bits\n
7022 DSS P (little endian)::\n
7023 DSS Q (little endian)::\n
7024 DSS G (little endian)::\n
7025 SubjectPublicKeyInfo.PublicKey
7026 (BitLength: %d)
7027 (UnusedBits: %d)
7029 DSS Y (little endian)::\n
7030 No public key\n
7031 IssuerUniqueId
7032 SubjectUniqueId
7033 SubjectUsage::\n
7034 No Usage Identifiers\n
7035 ListIdentifier::\n
7036 SequenceNumber::\n
7037 ThisUpdate:: \n %s\n
7038 NextUpdate:: \n %s\n
7039 ****** Time Invalid CTL\n
7040 SubjectAlgorithm::
7041 SubjectAlgorithm.Parameters::\n
7042 ----- No Entries -----\n
7043 ----- Entries -----\n
7044 [%d] SubjectIdentifier::\n
7045 [%d] Attributes::\n
7046 [%d] SerialNumber::
7047 [%d] RevocationDate:: %s\n
7048 [%d] Extensions:: NONE\n
7049 [%d] Extensions::\n
7050 No signer\n
7051 ----- Signer [%d] -----\n
7052 ----- Signer [%d] AuthenticatedAttributes -----\n
7053 ----- Signer [%d] UnauthenticatedAttributes -----\n
7054 %s NO Value Bytes\n
7055 NextUpdateLocation::\n
7056 NO Value Bytes\n
7057 [%d] %s :: No Values\n
7058 OtherName:\n
7059 X400Address:\n
7060 DirectoryName:\n
7061 EdiPartyName:\n
7062 RFC822: %s\n
7063 DNS: %s\n
7064 URL: %s\n
7065 IPAddress:\n
7066 RegisteredID:
7067 Unknown choice: %d\n
7068 %s Thumbprint:: \n
7069 <FILETIME %08lX:%08lX>
7070 <milliseconds:: %03d>
7071 Aux PropId %d (0x%x) ::\n
7072 EnhancedKeyUsage::\n
7073 NO Property Bytes\n
7074 No Usage Identifiers\n
7075 Content SignatureAlgorithm::
7076 Content SignatureAlgorithm.Parameters::\n
7077 Content Signature (little endian)::\n
7078 DSS R (little endian)::\n
7079 DSS S (little endian)::\n
7080 DSS Signature (unexpected length, little endian)::\n
7081 Content Signature:: NONE\n
7082 ValueType: %d\n
7083 Str:
7084 WStr: %s\n
7085 True
7086 False
7087 Extension[%d]
7088 (%s) Critical:
7089 %s::\n
7090 <SubjectKeyIdentifer> \n
7091 <Subject AltName> \n
7092 <Issuer AltName> \n
7093 <Subject AltName #2> \n
7094 <NextUpdateLocation> \n
7095 <Certificate Policies> \n
7096 <NetscapeCertType> \n
7097 <NetscapeBaseURL> \n
7098 <NetscapeRevocationURL> \n
7099 <NetscapeCARevocationURL> \n
7100 <NetscapeCertRenewalURL> \n
7101 <NetscapeCAPolicyURL> \n
7102 <NetscapeSSLServerName> \n
7103 <NetscapeComment> \n
7104 <SMIME Capabilties>\n
7105 None\n
7106 Params: %d
7107 <EnhancedKeyUsage> \n
7108 <Common Name> \n
7109 ValueType: %d String:
7110 <FinancialCriteria> \n
7111 Financial Info Available.
7112 Meets Criteria.
7113 Doesn't Meets Criteria.
7114 <MinimalCriteria> \n
7115 Meets Minimal Criteria.
7116 Doesn't Meet Minimal Criteria.
7117 URL=> %s\n
7118 SerializedData::\n
7119 FILE=> %s\n
7120 Unknown SPC Link Choice:: %d\n
7121 <SpcSpAgencyInfo> \n
7122 PolicyInformation:
7123 PolicyDisplayText: %s\n
7124 ImageLink:
7125 Bitmap:\n
7126 Metafile:\n
7127 EnhancedMetafile:\n
7128 GifFile:\n
7129 LogoLink:
7130 Qualifiers:: \n
7131 Encoded Data::\n
7132 <KeyUsage> \n
7133 <Basic Constraints2> \n
7134 PathLenConstraint::
7135 <Basic Constraints> \n
7136 SubjectType::
7137 CA
7139 SubtreesConstraint[%d]::\n
7147 <KeyUsageRestriction> \n
7148 CertPolicySet::\n
7149 RestrictedKeyUsage::
7150 <CRL Reason> \n
7159 <KeyAttributes>\n
7160 KeyId::\n
7161 IntendedKeyUsage::
7162 NO CRL Distribution Points\n
7163 CRL Distribution Point[%d]\n
7164 FullName:\n
7165 IssuerRDN: (Not Implemented)\n
7166 Unknown name choice: %d\n
7167 ReasonFlags:
7169 ISSUER::\n
7170 <AuthorityKeyId>\n
7172 AuthorityCertIssuer::\n
7173 AuthorityCertSerialNumber::
7174 <AuthorityKeyId #2>\n
7175 ValueType: %d String: %s\n
7176 \n
7177 <Issuer AltName #2> \n
7178 Error: Invalid input. \n
7179 ==============================================\n
7180 Not Available
7181 None
7182 Timestamp Version:: %d\n
7183 Timestamp server's certificate issuer::\n
7184 Timestamp server's certificate SerialNumber::\n
7185 Timestamp's authenticated attributes::\n
7186 Timestamp's unauthenticated attributes::\n
7187 Timestamp:: \n
7188 Signing Time:: \n %s\n
7189 Hash Algorithm::
7190 HashAlgorithm.Parameters::\n
7191 Encrypt Algorithm::
7192 Encrypt Algorithm.Parameters::\n
7193 ----- Signer [%d] Certificate-----\n
7197 SpcSpAgencyInfo
7198 SpcFinancialCriteria
7199 SpcMinimalCriteria
7200 NetscapeCertType
7201 NetscapeBaseURL
7202 NetscapeRevocationURL
7203 NetscapeCARevocationURL
7204 NetscapeCertRenewalURL
7205 NetscapeCAPolicyURL
7206 NetscapeSSLServerName
7207 NetscapeComment
7208 Error: Failed to initialize OID FunctionSet.\n
7209 Error: Failed to install OID Function.\n
7210 Error: Failed to register OID information.\n
7211 Error: Need to specify a destination store if delete from a signed file.\n
7212 Error: Failed to set the enhanced key usage property.\n
7213 Error: -eku or -name has to be set with -add or -del option.\n
7214 [-s [-r <location>][DestinationStoreName]\n
7215 a system store\n
7216 Error: -s or -r can not be set with -y or -f for the same store\n
7217 Default to X509_ASN_ENCODING\n
7218 Enter cert # from the above list to add-->
7219 Enter CRL # from the above list to add-->
7220 Enter CTL # from the above list to add-->
7221 Enter cert # from the above list to delete-->
7222 Enter CRL # from the above list to delete-->
7223 Enter CTL # from the above list to delete-->
7224 Enter cert # from the above list to put-->
7225 Enter CTL # from the above list to put-->
7226 Enter CRL # from the above list to put-->
7227 Error: -7 and -CTL can not be set at the same time. \n
7228 CTL will be lost when the destination store is saved as PKCS#7\n
7229 Error: When -put is set, -s, -r, -y, -f cannot be set for the destination store\n
7230 Error: -all and -put can not be set at the same time. Use -c ,-ctl, or -crl.\n
7231 Error: Has to specify either -c, or -crl, or -ctl\n
7232 Error: Failed to put certificate\n
7233 Error: Failed to find a certificate to put.\n
7234 Error: Failed to put CRL\n
7235 Error: Failed to find a CRL to put.\n
7236 Error: Failed to find a CTL to put.\n
7237 Error: Failed to put CTL\n
7238 Error: Failed to set the friendly name property.\n
7239 -name <FriendlyName> Friendly Name for the certificates\n
7240 name
7241 -m Format the extensions in muliple lines\n
7242 m